Sudan, Abyei & Darfur
Sudan, Abyei & Darfur
Current and Past Recommendations to the UN Security Council (Monthly Action Points)
Sudan – Sudan, Abyei & Darfur (November 2010)
The Council is expected to discuss a number of issues regarding the situation in Sudan, including preparations for the referenda, the situation in Darfur and progress of the Doha peace talks. In any action it takes, including in any outcome document, the Council is urged to:
- Request a report from UNMIS on preparations and actions taken to protect women and girls during the registration and campaign periods leading up to the Southern and Abyei referenda.
- Ensure that women are being meaningfully engaged in pre- and post-referendum discussions, that consultations with women are being prioritized, and that participation of women representatives in talks is being stressed.
- Stress the importance of strong support for women’s participation in the Popular Consultation processes in Blue Nile and Southern Kordofan states.
- Request information on actions taken around the protection of women and women’s participation in the upcoming elections in Southern Kordofan State.
- Stress to the Chief Mediator and the Joint Mediation Support Team that concrete action should be taken to ensure women’s substantive participation in the Doha talks.
- For Doha, the Security Council should request that the texts of the agreement currently being discussed are reviewed by a senior gender expert, potentially provided by the UN Mediation Support Unit.
The Council is expected to discuss a number of issues regarding the situation in Sudan, including preparations for the referenda, the situation in Darfur and progress of the Doha peace talks. In any action it takes, including in any outcome document, the Council is urged to:
- Request a report from UNMIS on preparations and actions taken to protect women and girls during the registration and campaign periods leading up to the Southern and Abyei referenda.
- Ensure that women are being meaningfully engaged in pre- and post-referendum discussions, that consultations with women are being prioritized, and that participation of women representatives in talks is being stressed.
- Stress the importance of strong support for women’s participation in the Popular Consultation processes in Blue Nile and Southern Kordofan states.
- Request information on actions taken around the protection of women and women’s participation in the upcoming elections in Southern Kordofan State.
- Stress to the Chief Mediator and the Joint Mediation Support Team that concrete action should be taken to ensure women’s substantive participation in the Doha talks.
- For Doha, the Security Council should request that the texts of the agreement currently being discussed are reviewed by a senior gender expert, potentially provided by the UN Mediation Support Unit.
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