Current and Past Recommendations to the UN Security Council (Monthly Action Points)
During the expected mandate renewal of the UN mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH), the Council must address the urgent and specific security concerns that women and girls continue to face. While gender crimes were a significant problem before the earthquake, the risks facing women and girls have grown more acute in the wake of the disaster. People continue to live in crowded, often insecure displacement sites, many of which have been infiltrated by armed gangs, and insufficient action has been taken to improve the safety of women and girls in these areas. MINUSTAH must work with the government of Haiti and Haitian civil society to develop a comprehensive security plan that addresses the urgent needs of women and identifies steps that will rebuild security structures in Haiti, based on the actions outlined in SCR 1927 (OP 4). Women’s human rights defenders must be meaningfully consulted to ensure such plans address their priority concerns. MINUSTAH must also support the government to ensure that women’s views are effectively reflected in rebuilding effort. In particular this requires additional, relevant technical and material support to the Ministry of the Women’s Affairs.
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