Current and Past Recommendations to the UN Security Council (Monthly Action Points)
As the Security Council considers a report on the Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA), the Council must ensure that the mission is mainstreaming gender as a cross-cutting issue, as per its mandate, including by supporting government efforts to promote women’s meaningful participation and leadership at all levels, particularly in implementing the Agreement on Peace and Reconciliation (S/RES/2364 (2017), OP 20(a)(ii)). With upcoming district, regional, legislative and presidential elections as well as a constitutional referendum, the report should detail capacity-building efforts for prospective female candidates and elected officials, and steps taken to ensure that the process is free, fair, and inclusive (CEDAW/C/MLI/CO/6-7). The Council should inquire as to MINUSMA’s efforts to increase women’s participation in human rights institutions and training for Malian security forces, police, gendarmerie and legal authorities on SGBV, as well as how the mission has taken into account the particular needs of women and children, particularly girls, in disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration (S/RES/2364 (2017), OP 20 (a)(ii)).
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