Current and Past Recommendations to the UN Security Council (Monthly Action Points)
In its renewal of the mandate for the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA), the Council should ensure all existing WPS-related provisions are maintained (S/RES/2423 (2018) OPs 38(a)(ii), (c)(iv), (d)(iii), (e)(ii), 64)). Further, the Council should continue to call for the Government to ensure women’s participation in processes and institutions that support the implementation of the Agreement (S/RES/2364 (2017), OP 2), including in the Cabinet — which currently fails to meet the legal requirement of 30% for women’s representation — and the territorial administrative positions (S/2018/273). Previously agreed language calling on the Government to support the reintegration of survivors of SGBV and to make efforts to combat stigma at the national and local levels (CEDAW/C/MLI/CO/6-7, S/RES/2364 (2017), OP 11), should be maintained and strengthened with language calling for increased access to justice and advancement of current judicial proceedings to ensure crimes are fairly adjudicated in a timely manner.
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