Sudan, Abyei & Darfur
Sudan, Abyei & Darfur
Current and Past Recommendations to the UN Security Council (Monthly Action Points)
In April, the Council is due to receive a report on Sudan by the Secretary-General. It should include detailed information on the remaining barriers to the implementation of the UNMIS mandate, particularly regarding the protection of civilians and the specific concerns of women. Given that previous reports have not sufficiently analyzed nor made recommendations on the continuing obstacles to women’s participation in political processes, the Council should inquire about this in its discussions on Sudan. The Council is also expected to extend the UNMIS mandate until June 2011. Given the deterioration of the situation in areas such as Abyei, Jonglei and Upper Nile, and the potential for intensification of conflict including sexual violence, the mission’s protection of civilians activities should be strengthened.The Security Council should ensure that UNMIS is granted access to any part of the country where protection of civilians issues are identified, particularly as the number of returnees continues to grow, straining the capacity of the Government of Southern Sudan to provide basic services, and as the situation for unaccompanied women and women-headed households as they return to the south is a concern.
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