Current and Past Recommendations to the UN Security Council (Monthly Action Points)
Over recent months, Haiti has descended into a deepening political crisis, with repeated demonstrations calling for the President’s resignation amidst a massive corruption scandal. Political instability in Haiti has historically led to increases in SGBV against women and girls, raising serious concerns about the deteriorating security situation. The Council should inquire about efforts to prioritize transitioning women, peace and security responsibilities, including engagement with women-led CSOs, to a new political mission. Further, briefings should detail ways in which the mission is addressing key accountability gaps, including through the provision of gender-sensitive services for survivors of SGBV and sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) by UN peacekeepers and personnel, and establishment of transparent, survivor-centered, readily accessible mechanisms to hear claims for remedies. MINUJUSTH should monitor compliance with Haitian law and the UN’s policies on SEA. The Council should call on MINUJUSTH to monitor the implementation of the UN’s New Approach to Cholera (A/71/620) and ensure that the ‘material assistance package’ is gender-sensitive and developed with the full participation of women. Finally, the Council should follow-up on the recently released findings into the November 2018 massacre in La Saline, particularly in regards to SGBV and Government efforts to protect and assist women who are now displaced. The Council should further ensure that the UN monitor incidences of SGBV in the country and support the recent large-scale peaceful civil society mobilization against SGBV.
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