Current and Past Recommendations to the UN Security Council (Monthly Action Points)
Haiti (October 2021)
In its renewal of the mandate for the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH), the Security Council should maintain the existing WPS provision and include new language calling on BINUH to:
- Prioritize women’s meaningful participation and leadership in the humanitarian response, ensure there is active, ongoing, and regular consultation with women’s civil society organizations in line with the humanitarian system’s commitments and obligations, and emphasize the importance of local ownership in response efforts.
- Monitor the implementation of the UN’s New Approach to Cholera and ensure that the ‘material assistance package’ is gender-sensitive, fully-funded and ensures women’s full participation in its implementation while encompassing a renewed sense of urgency in the context of the current COVID-19 pandemic, and natural disasters, as survivors endure another economic shock.
- Monitor and publicly report on violations of human rights, including women’s rights, in the context of state violence perpetrated against protestors (Amnesty Intl.) as well as alleged state involvement in attacks against civilians allegedly perpetrated by gangs (BINUH, Miami Herald).
- Monitor compliance with the Status of Forces Agreement, Haitian law and the UN’s policies on the facilitation of child support claims arising out of sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) by UN peacekeepers and personnel, and on the provision of material assistance to victims/survivors and their children.
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