Current and Past Recommendations to the UN Security Council (Monthly Action Points)
Women and girls in Haiti, particularly those in displacement camps, continue to be vulnerable to violence, including sexual violence, and victims of this violence are often unable to access services. On its scheduled mission to Haiti, Council members should seek feedback from community patrols and displacement camp representatives, particularly women, on the efficacy of patrols, and identify ways to improve security for women and girls in the camps. Council members should call for the adoption of greater security measures in the camps, and should support initiatives for the empowerment and protection of women and girls in camps. Council members should strongly reiterate the obligation to enforce the UN zero-tolerance policy on SEA, and on all abuses committed against the civilian population by MINUSTAH personnel. Troop- and police-contributing countries must ensure that acts involving their personnel are properly investigated and punished, and the Council should support the UN Secretariat in actively following up on measures to ensure the administration of justice in those countries. The Council should support the implementation of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations Guidelines for Integrating a Gender Perspective into the Work of United Nations Military in Peacekeeping Operations.
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