South Sudan
South Sudan
Current and Past Recommendations to the UN Security Council (Monthly Action Points)
In its renewal of the mandate of the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), the Council should ensure it maintains all existing WPS provisions (S/RES/2459 (2019), OP 7(a)(i),(v),(vi), (vii), 7(b)(ii), 17, 18). In the context of ongoing efforts to restrict civil society space, and challenges facing local women’s CSOs, the Council should ensure it clearly and unambiguously expresses its support for the equal and meaningful participation of diverse women’s CSOs in all work carried out by UNMISS, as well as by the Government in the transitional process, including all peace and political processes, freely, without interference or violence and in line with required quotas for women’s representation. Further, the Council should:
- Explicitly mandate that UNMISS systematically and meaningfully consult, engage, and partner with diverse women’s CSOs in carrying out its PoC activities (S/RES/2459 (2019), OPs 4, 7), efforts to prevent and end SGBV (OPs 7(a)(v), 20), facilitate confidence-building and mediation efforts (OPs 7(a)(vi), 15) in humanitarian response (OPs 7(a)(ii),(viii)), in SSR processes (OPs 7(a)(iii),(vi)) and in eradicating the spread of SALW (OP 30).
- Call for UNMISS and regional actors to ensure efforts to monitor the transitional process include, as indicators of progress, reduction in violations of women’s human rights, including SGBV, and expansion of civil society space, including for women’s CSOs and women HRDs.
- Call on all UN entities to ensure humanitarian assistance efforts are gender-sensitive and grounded in intersectional gender-sensitive conflict analysis.
- Add language calling on SSR processes to not only be inclusive and gender-sensitive, but also grounded in protection and promotion of human rights and support civil society efforts to monitor and hold security institutions accountable.
- Add a provision to UNMISS’ mandate calling on the mission to ensure its support for the implementation of the Revitalized Agreement and peace process prioritizes support for mainstreaming gender throughout all discussions and ensuring the equal and meaningful participation of women in all aspects of the process.
- Explicitly mandate that UNMISS systematically and meaningfully consult, engage, and partner with diverse women’s CSOs in carrying out its PoC activities (S/RES/2459 (2019), OPs 4, 7), efforts to prevent and end SGBV (OPs 7(a)(v), 20), facilitate confidence-building and mediation efforts (OPs 7(a)(vi), 15) in humanitarian response (OPs 7(a)(ii),(viii)), in SSR processes (OPs 7(a)(iii),(vi)) and in eradicating the spread of SALW (OP 30).
- Call for UNMISS and regional actors to ensure efforts to monitor the transitional process include, as indicators of progress, reduction in violations of women’s human rights, including SGBV, and expansion of civil society space, including for women’s CSOs and women HRDs.
- Call on all UN entities to ensure humanitarian assistance efforts are gender-sensitive and grounded in intersectional gender-sensitive conflict analysis.
- Add language calling on SSR processes to not only be inclusive and gender-sensitive, but also grounded in protection and promotion of human rights and support civil society efforts to monitor and hold security institutions accountable.
- Add a provision to UNMISS’ mandate calling on the mission to ensure its support for the implementation of the Revitalized Agreement and peace process prioritizes support for mainstreaming gender throughout all discussions and ensuring the equal and meaningful participation of women in all aspects of the process.
In its renewal of the mandate of the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), the Council should ensure it maintains all existing WPS provisions (S/RES/2459 (2019), OP 7(a)(i),(v),(vi), (vii), 7(b)(ii), 17, 18). In the context of ongoing efforts to restrict civil society space, and challenges facing local women’s CSOs, the Council should ensure it clearly and unambiguously expresses its support for the equal and meaningful participation of diverse women’s CSOs in all work carried out by UNMISS, as well as by the Government in the transitional process, including all peace and political processes, freely, without interference or violence and in line with required quotas for women’s representation. Further, the Council should:
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