Somalia’s long-running armed conflict has been characterized by extremism, sectarian political violence, complex humanitarian crises, and piracy, and women have been disproportionately at risk of death and as targets of sexual and gender-based violence and displacement.
Based on the work of NGOWG members and their partners, the NGOWG advocates for women’s political participation, women’s meaningful and active participation in design and implementation of humanitarian responses, and strengthened mechanisms to prevent and respond to sexual and gender based violence.
Somalia’s long-running armed conflict has been characterized by extremism, sectarian political violence, complex humanitarian crises, and piracy. Women have been disproportionately at risk of death, and as targets of sexual and gender-based violence and displacement.
Based on the work of NGOWG members and their partners, the NGOWG advocates for women’s political participation, women’s meaningful and active participation in design and implementation of humanitarian responses, and strengthened mechanisms to prevent and respond to sexual and gender based violence.
Current and Past Recommendations to the UN Security Council (Monthly Action Points)
The Security Council is expected to consider a report on the UN mission in Somalia (UNSOM) and renew the mandate for the sanctions regime set out in Resolution 2444 (2018). When reviewing the sanctions, the Council should call on the panel of experts to mainstream gender as a cross-cutting issue throughout its work and in reporting, including in the context of monitoring the implementation of the arms embargo and the flow of small arms and light weapons (SALW), in line with the Council’s previous call for more information on gender and SALW (S/RES/2220 (2015), OP 26). In its discussion of the report on UNSOM, the Council should promote women’s equal and meaningful participation in all peace and security processes. Barriers and risks associated with women’s participation must be identified, discussed, and reflected in mission efforts. The Council should also integrate the recommendations from the August 2019 civil society briefer, Amina Arale, including the establishment of a protection mechanism to ensure women politicians and candidates can campaign without restriction or violence, especially during the intensified election period; as well as ensure continued the Somali Government’s implementation of the WPS agenda, including in the context of the NAP on Resolution 1325 (2000) and implementation of the Sexual Offences Bill. The Council should also pursue inquiry of efforts to expand equal access to justice beyond criminal prosecution, including through judiciary reform.
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