Sudan, Abyei & Darfur
Sudan, Abyei & Darfur
Current and Past Recommendations to the UN Security Council (Monthly Action Points)
With the upcoming referenda scheduled for early January 2011, there are risks to women and girls that need to be considered and addressed should conflict break out in the South. Disarmament operations continuing throughout South Sudan have already led to serious abuses against women and girls, including torture to get information about the location of arms in different communities. In addition, in light of the wave of attack against civilians in Darfur, and the blocking of aid delivery, the Council must monitor the specific effect of this on women. Specific entry points for the Council include:
- Ensuring wider cooperation with the International Criminal Court (ICC), as per SCR 1593, to ensure the arrest and surrender of ICC suspects such as President al-Bashir. The Council should ensure it is engaged with the African Union on this matter, ensuring collaboration with regional bodies.
- Ensuring that contingency plans to protect women during the referenda are a UN priority in Sudan.
- Promoting access for women and girls associated with fighting forces to participate in the electoral process. In particular alternative education and vocational training programs must specifically target young women associated with fighting forces.
- With an estimated 1.5 million persons with disabilities in South Sudan, the Council should support the government in ensuring that persons with disabilities, particularly women, are able to fully participate in the upcoming referendum.
With the upcoming referenda scheduled for early January 2011, there are risks to women and girls that need to be considered and addressed should conflict break out in the South. Disarmament operations continuing throughout South Sudan have already led to serious abuses against women and girls, including torture to get information about the location of arms in different communities. In addition, in light of the wave of attack against civilians in Darfur, and the blocking of aid delivery, the Council must monitor the specific effect of this on women. Specific entry points for the Council include:
- Ensuring wider cooperation with the International Criminal Court (ICC), as per SCR 1593, to ensure the arrest and surrender of ICC suspects such as President al-Bashir. The Council should ensure it is engaged with the African Union on this matter, ensuring collaboration with regional bodies.
- Ensuring that contingency plans to protect women during the referenda are a UN priority in Sudan.
- Promoting access for women and girls associated with fighting forces to participate in the electoral process. In particular alternative education and vocational training programs must specifically target young women associated with fighting forces.
- With an estimated 1.5 million persons with disabilities in South Sudan, the Council should support the government in ensuring that persons with disabilities, particularly women, are able to fully participate in the upcoming referendum.
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