Sudan, Abyei & Darfur
Sudan, Abyei & Darfur
Current and Past Recommendations to the UN Security Council (Monthly Action Points)
The next report on the UN Hybrid Operation mission in Darfur, UNAMID, should follow up on several outstanding requests from the Council, and on information requested in previous reports. In line with OP 14 of SCR 1881, the report should articulate a comprehensive strategy regarding sexual violence, including progress on the UNAMID workplan’s call to work with the security sector to improve its response to sexual and gender-based violence. Specifically, the next report should detail how and to what extent women – as recommended in SCR 1881 (OP 8) – have been consulted in the recent civil society consultation process called for in the most recent Secretary General’s report (S/2009/592). It should continue to report on concrete progress and remaining challenges faced by the Gender Crimes Special Investigation Unit; the re-opening of the women’s center in Abu Shouk; and the outcome of the human rights-monitoring mission.
The next report on the UN Hybrid Operation mission in Darfur, UNAMID, should follow up on several outstanding requests from the Council, and on information requested in previous reports. In line with OP 14 of SCR 1881, the report should articulate a comprehensive strategy regarding sexual violence, including progress on the UNAMID workplan’s call to work with the security sector to improve its response to sexual and gender-based violence. Specifically, the next report should detail how and to what extent women – as recommended in SCR 1881 (OP 8) – have been consulted in the recent civil society consultation process called for in the most recent Secretary General’s report (S/2009/592). It should continue to report on concrete progress and remaining challenges faced by the Gender Crimes Special Investigation Unit; the re-opening of the women’s center in Abu Shouk; and the outcome of the human rights-monitoring mission.
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