Sudan, Abyei & Darfur
Sudan, Abyei & Darfur
Current and Past Recommendations to the UN Security Council (Monthly Action Points)
The Council is expected to receive and discuss the Secretary-General’s report on the UN mission in Darfur (UNAMID), per SCR 2063 (2012). The Security Council should also call on UNAMID to report regularly and publically on the human rights and humanitarian situation in Darfur. As previous reports of the Secretary-General on UNAMID have lacked information as to the role women play in the peace proces, SSR or DDR processes, the Council should inquire as to this information, and ensure that the benchmarks being developed per SCR 2063 (2012) (OP 12) include gender-specific components. In its discussion of the situation in Darfur, the Council should demand that the government of Sudan: immediately ends attacks against civilians; increase efforts to end impunity for sexual violence, including by security forces, and bring perpetrators to justice; grants UNAMID and relevant UN entities unfettered access to all areas where civilians need protection.
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