Current and Past Recommendations to the UN Security Council (Monthly Action Points)
The Council is expected to receive a report on the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the CAR (MINUSCA). The situation in CAR continues to be serious, with shifting areas of conflict and displacement within the country. The conflict has displaced almost a quarter of the population and human rights violations and abuses reported may amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity. With civilians bearing the brunt of the conflict, the Council should insist that MINUSCA is given all possible support to facilitate the protection of civilians, including through gender-sensitive humanitarian assistance. They must ensure MINUSCA-troops are better prepared and trained and ensure human rights officers, gender advisors and experts, and Women Protection Advisers are fully deployed. Medical and psychosocial services must be made available and accessible as per SCR 2127 (2013), especially to those displaced including gender-specific services for women. The Council must insist on accountability for atrocities committed by all armed groups and security forces operating in the country and reinforce efforts to ensure justice systems are re-established, with investigations and prosecutions conducted according to international standards. The Council also must support women’s participation in electoral processes and reconciliation processes, including national dialogues and transitional justice.
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