Current and Past Recommendations to the UN Security Council (Monthly Action Points)
In its renewal of the mandate for the UN mission in Mali (MINUSMA), the Council should ensure that the mission retains all relevant provisions related to women’s participation in conflict prevention and resolution efforts; as well as protection for women’s rights and efforts to combat human rights violations (SCR 2100, OPs 16, 25). Further, the mandate should continue to consider gender as a cross-cutting issue, as articulated in SCR 2100 (OP 25), which is necessary for the successful implementation of MINUSMA’s entire mandate and key for eventual peace and stability in Mali. Efforts to track and measure progress in Mali should include gender-specific benchmarks and analysis, and as per SCR 1889 (OP 9), the Council should ensure that women’s empowerment is factored into funding disbursement and post-conflict activities.
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