Current and Past Recommendations to the UN Security Council (Monthly Action Points)
In establishing a political mission of unarmed international observers for an initial period of 12 months (per SCR 2261 (2016)), the Council must commit to fully implement the WPS agenda and support and strengthen all previous efforts by the two parties to foster an inclusive peace process, including by working closely with the Gender Sub-Committee and the group of gender experts. Any steps must include women’s civil society, particularly Afro-Colombian and indigenous women’s civil society organizations. The political mission must be specifically mandated to ensure justice institutions are accessible and accountable to survivors of SGBV. Specific attention must be paid to reintegrating women and girl ex-combatants, ensuring reintegration assistance, including psychosocial and livelihood support, is tailored to women and girls needs. Further, the mission must ensure women and their rights are at the forefront in the design and implementation of early-warning strategies and ceasefire monitoring mechanisms (per SCR 2261 (2016), OP 3). Ultimately, the Council must ensure all staff receive pre-deployment sensitization training on gender issues, particularly when engaging with survivors of the conflict, including survivors of SGBV.
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