Current and Past Recommendations to the UN Security Council (Monthly Action Points)
In determining the mandate for the UN Mission in Colombia established in SCR 2261 (2016), the Council must include a provision calling for gender to be a cross-cutting issue across the entire mandate, in addition to specific provisions calling for the mission to facilitate women’s full participation and protection in the implementation, monitoring, and verification of the final agreement (SCR 2122 (2013), OP 4). Further, as called for in SCR 2242 (2015) (OP 7), the Council should explicitly call for the Department of Political Affairs (DPA) to ensure adequate gender analysis and technical gender expertise throughout all stages of mission planning and implementation. Throughout the work of the mission, there should also be ongoing and consistent consultation with women’s civil society organizations, including Afro-Colombian, indigenous and rural women’s organizations. There should be an effort to support and strengthen all previous efforts by the two parties to foster an inclusive peace process, and the mission should continue to work closely with the Gender Sub-Committee and the group of gender experts. In addition, the Council should consider the following as it develops the mandate for the mission:
- The political mission must be specifically mandated to support security sector reform and, further, should ensure justice institutions are accessible and accountable to survivors of violence, including SGBV;
- In its support for disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration, specific attention must be paid to tailoring reintegration assistance to the particular needs of women and girls in rural areas;
- In reconciliation and peacebuilding efforts, women and their rights must be at the forefront of the design and implementation of early-warning and ceasefire monitoring mechanisms, taking into account the security and protection needs of women as a priority(SCR 2261 (2016), OP 3); and
- The political mission must also monitor, investigate, and report to the Security Council on the human rights situation, with a provision to support women human rights defenders.
In determining the mandate for the UN Mission in Colombia established in SCR 2261 (2016), the Council must include a provision calling for gender to be a cross-cutting issue across the entire mandate, in addition to specific provisions calling for the mission to facilitate women’s full participation and protection in the implementation, monitoring, and verification of the final agreement (SCR 2122 (2013), OP 4). Further, as called for in SCR 2242 (2015) (OP 7), the Council should explicitly call for the Department of Political Affairs (DPA) to ensure adequate gender analysis and technical gender expertise throughout all stages of mission planning and implementation. Throughout the work of the mission, there should also be ongoing and consistent consultation with women’s civil society organizations, including Afro-Colombian, indigenous and rural women’s organizations. There should be an effort to support and strengthen all previous efforts by the two parties to foster an inclusive peace process, and the mission should continue to work closely with the Gender Sub-Committee and the group of gender experts. In addition, the Council should consider the following as it develops the mandate for the mission:
- The political mission must be specifically mandated to support security sector reform and, further, should ensure justice institutions are accessible and accountable to survivors of violence, including SGBV;
- In its support for disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration, specific attention must be paid to tailoring reintegration assistance to the particular needs of women and girls in rural areas;
- In reconciliation and peacebuilding efforts, women and their rights must be at the forefront of the design and implementation of early-warning and ceasefire monitoring mechanisms, taking into account the security and protection needs of women as a priority(SCR 2261 (2016), OP 3); and
- The political mission must also monitor, investigate, and report to the Security Council on the human rights situation, with a provision to support women human rights defenders.
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