Women in Cyprus face few opportunities for public participation, low levels of political representation and educational achievement, high levels of sexual violence, and consistent obstruction of reproductive rights.
Strict traditional gender roles continue to subjugate women in Cyprus, contributing to the devastatingly low conviction rates for sexual violence crimes, and few services for survivors.
Based on the work of NGOWG members and their partners, the NGOWG advocates for full inclusion of women as full and equal partners in the continuing efforts to resolve long-standing disputes between Turkey and Greece, as well as encouraging Cyprus to develop a national action plan in accordance with Resolution 1325.
Current and Past Recommendations to the UN Security Council (Monthly Action Points)
In 37 years of formal peace processes in Cyprus, women have been all but invisible. The Secretary-General is scheduled to report to the Council in June both on progress (or the lack thereof) in the peace process and the peacekeeping operation. In November 2010, the Secretary-General called for the two sides to heed the recommendations of the Gender Advisory Team (GAT). The GAT is still awaiting a response from the negotiating teams of the two communities. As the Council considers the UN’s role in Cyprus, it ought to urge that any future UN presence promotes the involvement of women in peacekeeping, peacemaking and peace-building efforts on the island.
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