Current and Past Recommendations to the UN Security Council (Monthly Action Points)
In Somalia, many of the over 1.1 million protracted internally displaced persons continue to face high risk of forced evictions, discrimination, violation of human rights and pervasive SGBV. These communities need the government to ensure land tenure and property rights, and adequate and safe shelter, whether permanent or transitional, as well as household items, protection services, local integration and durable solutions. As the Council renews the mandate of the AMISOM, the Council should call on the mission to consider gender as a cross-cutting issue in the implementation of its mandate. In addition, the Council must call on Somali authorities, AMISOM and UNSOM to ensure women and girls are protected from sexual violence, including sexual exploitation and abuse, as specified in SCR 2102 (2013) (OP 11). Further, the Council should mandate UNSOM to promote and technically assist in women’s full and effective participation in the constitutional review process, dialogues with Somali regional actors on the federal system, the implementation of the Somali Compact deal and all efforts to find a political solution to the ongoing armed violence The Council must also call on Somali authorities and AMISOM to ensure women, girls, boys and other non-combatant males are protected during military offensives to recapture towns under Al-Shahab control and give safe passage to civilians. Finally, Somalia government and members should promote women’s full participation in the implementation of the National Action Plan (NAP) and the national Sexual Offence Bill, which is pending parliament approval.
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