Current and Past Recommendations to the UN Security Council (Monthly Action Points)
In its discussion of the report of the Secretary-General on the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA), the Council should reflect the discussions of the Informal Expert Group (IEG) on WPS on the situation, as well as ensure gender is mainstreamed throughout the briefing and consultations (S/RES/2423 (2018), OPs 38(a)(ii),(c)(iv),(d)(iii),(e)(ii), 64). Council members should inquire as to the activities of the women-led, independent consultative forum that was created to monitor the implementation of the Agreement, as well as specific ways in which MINUSMA is supporting and working with all parties to ensure women’s meaningful participation in the peace process, and that the 30% quota for women in elected positions is met (S/2018/866). Further, there should be discussion and analysis regarding any barriers to women’s participation. MINUSMA should provide updates on progress made regarding integrating gender into all programs and policies and filling the vacant positions in the Gender Advisory Unit. The Council should inquire about the status of the draft law on sexual and gender-based violence, which was expected to be drafted in late 2018, as well as efforts by all stakeholders towards ensuring policies and programs aimed at countering violent extremism are gender-sensitive, and include consultations with women’s groups. The Council should also inquire about the status of the implementation of the Mali Peace and Reconciliation Agreement, in particular, efforts to monitor and institutionalize gender mainstreaming in implementation. Finally, given the ongoing violence and threats against civil society leaders and human rights defenders, the Council should follow-up on progress in implementing the 2017 law on HRDs.
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