Current and Past Recommendations to the UN Security Council (Monthly Action Points)
The Council is expected discuss the forthcoming report from the African Union mission in Somalia (AMISOM). Armed violence in southern Somalia still poses a grave threat to civilians and returning refugees from Kenya. Since the transition from al-Shabaab in early 2012, security has become worse in Beletweyne and Baidoa due to abusive security operations by allied forces and, in the case of Beletweyne, rising tensions between militias vying for control. In its discussions regarding the situation in Somalia, the Security Council should reiterate the imperative for all armed actors to protect civilians, including women and girls, in full compliance with international humanitarian law; publicly denounce refoulement whenever it is found to have occurred; and, in its review of the forthcoming report, inquire into information and analysis regarding women’s full participation in all efforts to find a political solution to the ongoing armed violence in Somalia.
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