Current and Past Recommendations to the UN Security Council (Monthly Action Points)
With the recent unanimous adoptions of Security Council Resolutions 2124 and 2125 on the AU Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and anti-piracy measures in Somalia, respectively, the Council is now expected to discuss the forthcoming report from the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM). In its discussion, the Council should promote women’s full participation: in the constitutional review process, in dialogues with Somali regional actors on the federal system, in the implementation of the Somali Compact, and in all efforts to find a political solution to the ongoing armed violence, as well as the specific steps the UN will take to support such activities. The Council should also ensure the report covers progress made in implementing SCR 2102 (2013), including OPs 2(d) and 2(e) mandating UNSOM to help prevent, monitor, investigate, and report on abuses and violations of human rights and international humanitarian law. Crucially, the Council must call on Somali authorities and AMISOM to make certain that women and children are protected from sexual violence and exploitation, and must send an unequivocal message to perpetrators, law enforcement officials and peacekeepers that sexual violence will not be tolerated.
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