South Sudan
South Sudan
Current and Past Recommendations to the UN Security Council (Monthly Action Points)
Implementing its newly adopted SCR 2106 (OPs 5, 12) in its expected renewal of the UNMISS mandate, the Security Council should ensure the current provisions supporting women’s participation are strengthened, particularly in all aspects of constitution-building and political work, and in all negotiations underway to resolve current crises. The Council should ensure the protection component of UNMISS’s mandate is supported and resourced. In addition, the Council should:
- Ensure DDR programs comprehensively support women associated with armed forces; and include in these efforts both a comprehensive approach to mine action, and the scourge of small arms and light weapons (SCR 2106, OP 16 a);
- Support the revision of South Sudan’s legal framework, particularly in ensuring that women have true access to justice, including in crimes of sexual violence and domestic violence, and in the interim ensure measures are taken to provide that access to justice for women;
- Specifically request that the regular report on UNMISS include sex-disaggregated data, analysis, and recommendations;
- Ensure that there are provisions for crucial and long-term support to civil society, particularly women’s rights organizations, and ensure that UNMISS is mandated to engage with and support the South Sudanese people, including in rural areas, inter alia through senior Gender Advisors (SCR 2106, OP 8); and
- Support the effective implementation of the Women’s Protection Advisor (WPA) initiative, including expedited recruitment to fill outstanding positions, ensuring formalized training and modes of operation for all WPAs in line with international ethical and safety guidelines, and referral of victims to support services (SCR 2106, OP 7).
Implementing its newly adopted SCR 2106 (OPs 5, 12) in its expected renewal of the UNMISS mandate, the Security Council should ensure the current provisions supporting women’s participation are strengthened, particularly in all aspects of constitution-building and political work, and in all negotiations underway to resolve current crises. The Council should ensure the protection component of UNMISS’s mandate is supported and resourced. In addition, the Council should:
- Ensure DDR programs comprehensively support women associated with armed forces; and include in these efforts both a comprehensive approach to mine action, and the scourge of small arms and light weapons (SCR 2106, OP 16 a);
- Support the revision of South Sudan’s legal framework, particularly in ensuring that women have true access to justice, including in crimes of sexual violence and domestic violence, and in the interim ensure measures are taken to provide that access to justice for women;
- Specifically request that the regular report on UNMISS include sex-disaggregated data, analysis, and recommendations;
- Ensure that there are provisions for crucial and long-term support to civil society, particularly women’s rights organizations, and ensure that UNMISS is mandated to engage with and support the South Sudanese people, including in rural areas, inter alia through senior Gender Advisors (SCR 2106, OP 8); and
- Support the effective implementation of the Women’s Protection Advisor (WPA) initiative, including expedited recruitment to fill outstanding positions, ensuring formalized training and modes of operation for all WPAs in line with international ethical and safety guidelines, and referral of victims to support services (SCR 2106, OP 7).
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