Sudan, Abyei & Darfur
Sudan, Abyei & Darfur
Current and Past Recommendations to the UN Security Council (Monthly Action Points)
The Council is expected to consider a report for the UN mission in Abyei (UNISFA) as well as a report on the status of compliance with SCR 2046 (2012). The Council must ensure effective implementation of the human rights monitoring mandate as per SCR 1990 (2011) and reinforce and expand upon the critical language in SCR 2126 (2013), which emphasizes the importance of women’s full participation in all conflict prevention, resolution and peacebuilding efforts. There should be continued follow-up regarding gender training for security forces, and the status of senior gender expertise for UNISFA. Additionally, the Council should encourage the Abyei Joint Oversight Committee (AJOC) to resume its regular meetings; and urge the Government of Sudan and the Government of South Sudan to resume the implementation of the Cooperation Agreements. As per SCR 2122 (2013), the Council should call for the full representation of women in all aspects of these cross-border agreements, including as chairs and members of committees, and as part of all implementation mechanisms.
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