Crime & Trafficking

Crime & Trafficking
Current and Past Recommendations to the UN Security Council (Monthly Action Points)
In their discussion of the expected report on countering trafficking in persons, it is imperative that Council members request information on the way in which gender factors into individuals’ experiences trafficking in order to develop targeted and evidence-based policy recommendations and interventions. It is well established that extremist groups and other non-state actors often engage in trafficking of women and girls with impunity to fuel activities. Discussion and reporting should integrate gender analysis, and, reflect previous Council statements regarding the particular impact of trafficking on women and girls (S/PRST/2015/25), by discussing the range of human rights abuses associated with human trafficking, including sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), as well as the ways in which women are recruited, coerced, and employed in trafficking operations. Additionally, if the information is not provided, the Council should request specific information and analysis on the way in which women and women’s organizations are currently participating in efforts to combat and reduce trafficking (SCR 2106 (2013), OPs 11, 16).
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