Current and Past Recommendations to the UN Security Council (Monthly Action Points)
Mali (June 2023)
In its forthcoming renewal of the mandate of MINUSMA, the Security Council should maintain all existing WPS-related provisions and further, reflecting the dire human rights and humanitarian situation:
- Call on MINUSMA and other relevant actors to promote and protect women’s human rights and to strengthen monitoring and reporting on threats and reprisals targeting women peacebuilders, human rights defenders, civil society leaders and women’s rights organizations; further emphasize the importance of creating an enabling environment that allows civil society to carry out their work safely and freely as central to sustainable peace.
- Call on the mission to ground all its efforts pertaining to prevention of conflict in gender-responsive conflict analysis, accounting for community-identified root causes of conflict and violence, and request that future reports mainstream gender-responsive conflict analysis.
- Adopt a survivor-centered, rights-based, and trauma-informed approach to preventing and responding to gender-based violence, in particular by facilitating access to quality health care and comprehensive support, accessible and delivered without discrimination, including sexual and reproductive healthcare, psychosocial support, legal services, access to justice, as well as support for livelihoods.
- Call on the mission, in its efforts to support the implementation of the reconciliation and justice measures of the Agreement, to ensure that such implementation is rights-based and gender-responsive, and further that all effort will be made to consult with diverse women and women’s groups at all stages.
- Add a provision which requires the mission to regularly and meaningfully consult with diverse women’s civil society groups in all aspects of its work.
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