Current and Past Recommendations to the UN Security Council (Monthly Action Points)
Colombia (April 2024)
Despite developments in the ongoing negotiations with armed groups in Colombia, civilians in both rural and urban areas are experiencing increasing levels of violence at the hands of armed forces, armed groups and police, including femicide, abductions, disappearances, extortion, sexual violence and displacement. In forthcoming discussions of the situation, Council members must prioritize the situation of human rights defenders and peacebuilders in particular, who continue to face killings despite the “total peace” policy. The Security Council must:
- Call for cessation of the use of violence, including sexual and gender-based violence, targeting of women, Afro-descendant, Indigenous and LGBTIQ+ individuals and prioritize protection of civilians.
- Reiterate the need for a negotiated solution to conflicts with all armed actors, in line with the intentions of “total peace” discussions, and that women’s rights, and the meaningful participation of diverse women, youth, LGBTIQ+, Afro-descendant, Indigenous and rural communities are ensured in all negotiations.
- Call for an end to all intimidation, attacks and reprisals against human rights defenders, peacebuilders and civil society leaders, and for all perpetrators to be held accountable. Urge full implementation of the Comprehensive Programme of Safeguards for Women Leaders and Human Rights Defenders and integration of a robust gender perspective in the work of the National Protection Unit. Call on the UN Verification Mission in Colombia to regularly report on the situation of all human rights defenders to the Security Council.
- Call for all briefings and updates by senior UN officials to integrate gender-sensitive conflict analysis and data disaggregated by gender, sex, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and gender identity, and disability, including in the context of information related to violence against former combatants, social leaders, and Indigenous, Afro-descendant, rural and LGBTIQ+ communities.
- Continue overseeing the work of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace, including in light of the recent decision to open Macro-Case 11 on conflict-related sexual and reproductive violence, as well as follow-up to the recommendations of the Truth Commission’s final report.
- Call on the UN Verification Mission to prioritize support for implementation of those provisions of the peace agreement that are particularly outstanding, notably gender provisions and the Ethnic Chapter.
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