Current and Past Recommendations to the UN Security Council (Monthly Action Points)
As the Council discusses the situation in Colombia and considers a report on the implementation of the mandate of the UN Mission in Colombia, there should be an emphasis on ensuring that gender is mainstreamed across the work of the mission. In previous reporting, the Secretary-General noted a particular effort by the mission, to consult with women’s groups on the role and activities of the mission (S/2016/1095, paras. 34, 46); this is a positive example of civil society engagement and should be continued regularly moving forward, both at the local level as well as at UN Headquarters, including with Afro-Colombian, indigenous, and rural women’s organizations. Reporting should include gender as a crosscutting issue across all sections, including on the way in which a gender perspective is adopted in the mission’s coordination of the Monitoring and Verification Mechanism (MVM) and in the implementation and monitoring of the ceasefire. The Council is encouraged to follow up with particular questions regarding consultations with local women’s groups, in particular in regards to the establishment of a readily accessible protection and reporting mechanism to ensure there is transparency and accountability in the implementation of the ceasefire and final peace agreement, as well as opportunities to report instances of noncompliance.
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