Sudan, Abyei & Darfur
Sudan, Abyei & Darfur
Current and Past Recommendations to the UN Security Council (Monthly Action Points)
Sudan – Sudan, Abyei & Darfur (December 2011)
The Council is expected to renew the mandate of the UN Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA) as per SCR 1990 (2011). In the mandate, the Council is urged to: ensure UNISFA implements an affective human rights monitoring mandate and the results are included in the Secretary General’s reports to the Council, as required in OP10 of SCR 1990(2011); review access to the region by the OHCHR assessment mission; demand that all parties account for individuals still missing since the start of the violence, including women and children; express concern over the growing challenge of humanitarian access, and inquire as to what contingency plans are in place to protect women and girls, especially displaced and disabled populations.
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