South Sudan
South Sudan
Current and Past Recommendations to the UN Security Council (Monthly Action Points)
According to the UN Commission on Human Rights in South Sudan, ethnic cleansing is occurring and indicators of genocide are present (A/HRC/34/63). Further, the severe security situation, including prevalent informal armies and widespread and systematic sexual violence, is being exacerbated by famine, with the number of food insecure people to rise to 5.5 million by July. During its consideration of the situation, the Council should also continue to protect civilians and call on the mission to hold regular consultations with local women’s civil society organizations to ensure protection strategies, including those in and around the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) protection of civilians sites, are responsive to women’s security concerns (SCR 2252 (2015), OP 8(a)(i), (v), (vi); (b)(i), (ii), (iii)). Furthermore, the Council should inquire as to how the Regional Protection Force for Juba will incorporate the women, peace and security agenda as it prepares to deploy and how UNMISS will improve its response to women’s protection concerns following its strategic review (S/2016/951). In regards to the ongoing political dialogue, the Council should reaffirm its commitment to women’s representation in official decision-making institutions and meaningful participation in any peace process moving forward. The Security Council must apply all necessary pressure to ensure that South Sudanese women from national and grassroots organizations are included in the dialogue, as well as in the implementation and monitoring of any outcomes.
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