South Sudan
South Sudan
Current and Past Recommendations to the UN Security Council (Monthly Action Points)
In its consideration of the situation in South Sudan in advance of its renewal of the mandate for the UN Mission to the Republic of South Sudan (UNMISS) in December, the Council must ensure it incorporates a gender perspective throughout the mandate, including prioritization of women’s empowerment and promoting gender equity. The recent short term UNMISS renewal contained strong language on women’s participation in the implementation of the peace agreement including in the monitoring of the ceasefire and other transitional security arrangements. Any new mandate should maintain this language and ensure full implementation including measures to increase the deployment of women in all mission components. The Council should further expand this mandate to integrate the representation and voices of South Sudanese women at all levels in the implementation of agreements, the prevention and resolution of conflict and peacebuilding, through support to women’s civil society organizations.
Relatedly, the Council should continue to insist on the need for accountability for grave human rights violations and abuses, including rampant accounts of sexual violence in IDP camps and local communities. The Council must ensure protection efforts by UNMISS meet women’s needs by including women in their design and implementation, including providing psychosocial support and medical care to survivors. The Council must mandate comprehensive gender disaggregated data in UNMISS reporting, and prioritize further gender expertise and training of UNMISS personnel as per OP 33 of SCR 2241 (2015).
In its consideration of the situation in South Sudan in advance of its renewal of the mandate for the UN Mission to the Republic of South Sudan (UNMISS) in December, the Council must ensure it incorporates a gender perspective throughout the mandate, including prioritization of women’s empowerment and promoting gender equity. The recent short term UNMISS renewal contained strong language on women’s participation in the implementation of the peace agreement including in the monitoring of the ceasefire and other transitional security arrangements. Any new mandate should maintain this language and ensure full implementation including measures to increase the deployment of women in all mission components. The Council should further expand this mandate to integrate the representation and voices of South Sudanese women at all levels in the implementation of agreements, the prevention and resolution of conflict and peacebuilding, through support to women’s civil society organizations.
Relatedly, the Council should continue to insist on the need for accountability for grave human rights violations and abuses, including rampant accounts of sexual violence in IDP camps and local communities. The Council must ensure protection efforts by UNMISS meet women’s needs by including women in their design and implementation, including providing psychosocial support and medical care to survivors. The Council must mandate comprehensive gender disaggregated data in UNMISS reporting, and prioritize further gender expertise and training of UNMISS personnel as per OP 33 of SCR 2241 (2015).
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